Alpaca Soft Blankets - 88” X 66”
These luxurious Handmade Alpaca throws are the perfect addition piece to any living room. These blankets come in amazing eye catching patterns and arainbow of vibrant and Earth tone colors. Drape them over a big soft chair or sofa. Wrap yourself in unequaled comfort and coziness. This is a small blanket to wrap yourself up, and just let the world disappear… This blanket is also large enough to include the ones you love too! This is a snuggling blanket designed to make life a little better. These blankets are extra super soft! The secret is that they come with a different thread design and then they are twice brushed by hand to bring out the Alpaca when the blankets come off the loom. These large soft blankets were given to European royalty as special gifts by the Spanish Conquistadors. Now is the time to treat yourself or the ones you love like Kings and Queens.